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New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) - 2G Advisory Committee

Advocate for affordable housing policy at the state and federal levels. Organize programming & outreach to attract, retain, and invest in education for the next generation of affordable housing leaders. 

Ontario County, NY HUD Continuum of Care Point-In-Time (PIT) Homeless Individual Count Volunteer Lead

Trained volunteers, organized a County-wide day-long event, and implemented per regulatory, data collection, and reporting procedures for the Ontario County, NY HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Homelessness PIT count. 

Center for Community Progress TASP Grant

Fellow colleagues and myself wrote a winning grant proposal for technical assistance from this national not-for-profit. The goal was to find ways to develop an even more collaborative relationship between the Albany County Land Bank and Albany Community Land Trust. 

SYR CONNECT and "What If..." Film Series

As an informal community convening project, this was an organized dinner series that was oriented around the future of development in the Syracuse, New York region. We discussed ideas about the plans for Interstate 81 and how this could be a catalyst for new development, community-building, and infrastructure improvements. The dinners concluded with a film screening in collaboration with The Gifford Foundation's What If... Film series. 

Green & Healthy Homes | Greater Syracuse Pilot Program

Process creation and pilot for new public-private initiative to improve health equity and financial outcomes for lead-based paint interventions in both urban and rural communities. Worked as data manager and operational support to the Executive Director of the regional GHHI initiative chapter.

FOCUS of Greater Syracuse | Citizen's Academy Graduate

A six-month civic training program to learn about local government and how it functions. The training included weekly site visits and educational seminars to various City and County departments.

GIS Strategy Mapping: Price-Rite Development & Cayuga County, NY Land Use Analysis and Asset Mapping

Part of my duties as an AmeriCorps VISTA with Home HeadQuarters included devising strategy maps for a variety of community development projects. A defined food desert in an urban community of Syracuse lacked accessible grocery stores and the construction of a new PriceRite (see strategy map attached) offered an opportunity to refocus investment of housing and other resources in the neighborhood. Similarly, the latter mapping and data analysis project provided a general assessment of Census and publicly available data to guide policy, investment, and community service decisions. 

GIS Analysis of Boston Metropolitan Transportation, Land Use, and Property Values

This was a culminating, two-semester project that combined GIS technical analysis with quantitative measures. The goal was to assess the impact of transportation assets on property values throughout the Boston Metropolitan area. Such research was intended to put a measure to the impacts of real estate development throughout the region and also its impact on future congestion issues in the region.

Northeast Hawley Development Association (NEHDA) Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning

An example of a brief circulated as a petition to include another City of Syracuse Census Tract into the service area of a local community preservation corporation and CHDO.

Other select project experience includes:

Assessment of Commercial Corridors in Syracuse

Brandeis University Real Estate Development Challenge: 210 Moody Street

Northside Urban Partnership I-81 Impact Case Study

Econometrics Research Practicum Final Project

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